Heritage Hills Shuttle Bus and Transportation Information

1. The Heritage Hills Society operates a Shuttle Bus service. Originally responsible to carry residents to and from the Goldens Bridge train Station presently, the Somers Towne Centre, 202 Heritage Center, Goldens Bridge Shopping Center, Mill Pond Center and Medical Center at Routes 116 and 202 have been added during off-peak train hours weather and road conditions and time permitting. When a Winter Schedule is announced, the Shuttle will run only between Heritage Hills and the Goldens Bridge train station. Drivers have sole discretion on routing based on safety and time. Society reserves the right to refuse or terminate Shuttle service to anyone on record as abusive to a driver, Security dispatcher or other Society staff.

2. The buses operate at specified times between the Activities Center parking area, Lake Lodge, the East and West Hill pickup spots ( units on B roads and the intersection of C roads at an A or B road) and drop off points when return is requested by riders.

3. Shuttle buses are not taxis and will only pick up discharge passengers at the designated times and locations. Priority is always given to riders going to the train station.

4. Reservations for the following day may only be made after 4:00 PM and must be made at least one hour prior to pickup time. Commuters may request placement on a permanent reservations list for pickup each day at the same time and place.

5. All passengers must be at their pick up point five minutes prior to the scheduled pick up times. Riders must call Security each time they will not be at reserved pick up point.

6. Buses may move only when all passengers are seated.

7. Drivers are not permitted to pick up unscheduled persons.

8. Drivers may not leave their seats with passengers on board or engine running except in the event of an emergency where Security has been notified.

9. Drivers are responsible for reporting any untoward incident to Security so a formal incident report can be filed.

10. Drivers are required to report to Security the name and unit number of any passenger who is abusive, disruptive or compromises the safety of the driver, fellow passengers or equipment. Service to such riders will be suspended and can only be reinstated by the Heritage Hills Society Board upon the recommendation of the Transportation Committee following investigation and a hearing.

11.There is absolutely no smoking, eating and drinking permitted aboard a bus. Considering the short trip and confined space, cell phone use is also discouraged except for emergency use.

12. Residents on permanent bus reservations who are no-shows 3 times will be removed from the permanent regulars list and will need to make daily calls for ninety days. Upon repetition of three no-shows, the resident will be permanently removed from the list.

13. Residents who call daily that are no-shows three times will receive a letter from the Transportation Committee notifying them that they will be suspended from daily service for ninety days should they not be at pick up point again.
14. Only Heritage Hills residents in good standing and those riders with Heritage Hills Society Board certification may ride the shuttles and must present Heritage Hills identification upon driver request.

15. No children requiring Safety Seats by law, children sitting on laps, strollers, shopping carts, bicycles, apparatus or animals other than certified service animals, and small pets in an approved secured carrier, are
allowed on a bus at any time.

Heritage Hills Shuttle Bus and Transportation Information